Monday, July 23, 2012


Larry had struggled through some kind of unidentified tropical fever/headache/aches and pains/great fatigue about ten days earlier; recovery was slow coming, but he was doing well by Independence Day.

Hannah's fever, headache and aches started as we were having our Fourth of July celebration on the mission compound.  She excused herself and tucked into bed for a nap.

My fevers were a nuisance but because I was more concerned about Hannah that first week-end she was sick, I didn't think too much about it.

It was when we decided to check her blood to see if the illness was viral or bacterial that it was discovered Hannah's white blood count was dangerously low.  The missionary doc on the mainland that I was in touch with about Hannah, recommended we get off the island to a more sophisticated lab and medical care - asap.  Within one hour, we were on the plane on the dirt air strip on La Gonave, preparing to fly to Fort Lauderdale via Port au Prince.  Three and a half hours later, we touched down in South Florida and were on our way to the children's hospital there.  It was something that very rarely happens - getting off La Gonave and connecting with a flight to the states, so smoothly and quickly.  The Lord was with us!

Hannah was well-served at Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital where she stayed for two nights.  Her folks arrived soon after we passed through the initial triage, and it was when they walked through the ER door that Hannah beamed.  How wonderful it was for this grandmom to see that beautiful smile once again!   Blood tests indicated that her numbers were improving, fever was gone and it was obvious Hannah was on the up side of the disease.  We also received a diagnosis, by process of elimination; it would be a week before the results of a specific blood test showed that it was indeed, dengue fever ~  a  mosquito-borne viral illness.

It is assumed that both Larry and I had dengue as well, because of the symptoms and of the mono-on-steriods-like recovery period.  Hannah and I both had the flat red rash followed by the red speckled rash.  We both had the sensitive skin, Hannah's on the bottom of her feet, mine with flaming palms.  Hannah spent the better part of the first week at home in the bed, with no energy to do otherwise.  I am enjoying long naps each afternoon.

This is our scheduled summer break and the timing is perfect.

Right now - we are mixing recovery with visiting, re-connecting with family and friends with "vegging".  Getting to know our #11 grand, Evan and spending time with the other ten and their folks.  Looking forward to the annual beach week with the whole family under one roof!  Spending quality time with Larry's Aunt Frances who will soon leave this world for a better one.  Catching up with extended family and eating our way through oh-so-many wonderful meals shared with friends.  Worshipping at our home church.

And, it is so good!

As August wanes, Lord willing, we will be anticipating returning to Haiti for the fall term, well and well-rested.

And, you'd better believe we will be using a powerful lot of heavy-duty mosquito spray!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update! Praise God for His healing and perfect timing! :-)
