Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Opening Day!

                             Well, the tile boss was right!  

Dawn broke over LaGonave and we were ready!

Front door to the nursing school.

The building was spic and span and ready to welcome the first class!

Hospital administration, medical personnel, missionaries, community and church representatives
gathered for the early morning ribbon cutting ceremony and dedication, officially opening 
The Wesleyan University of Haiti
The College of Nursing Science

One of several speakers at the dedication ceremony, Dr. Monush was a Compassion-sponsored child throughout school,  who came home after med school to serve her community.
She heads up HIV research and care at the Wesleyan Hospital.

Dean Janice Cotrone cutting the ribbon, surrounded by the first class of nursing students.

Moments after the ribbon cutting!  Much hooting and clapping!  Pretty exciting!

First class of the day - Bible
Prof Marty and her very able translator, Fre Sebastien

This class was followed by English and biology in the morning; critical thinking and world civ in the afternoon.  Tomorrow's schedule includes Dr. Grimes' computer science class along with more critical thinking and etymology.

Thanks for your prayers!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the posts to date and the great pictures, M&L. Got your latest email prayer request and will add my efforts to your pot.

    Much love - Gayle
