Monday, August 12, 2013

The privilege of sponsorship

Dear Family and Friends,  

Many of you have heard or read of the good work that the registered, non-profit G.A.S. (Groupe Action Scolaire) is doing in Haiti among the poorest of the poor in the village of Lataniers, LaGonave.  To those of you who have not - perhaps you can take a minute and read about this organization that Larry and I have the privilege of promoting here in the states at

... and of the two trips that Larry and I made to Lataniers at

Also available in word format is the annual financial report and my personal report of a meeting of the G.A.S. committee that Larry and I attended.  Just let me know of your interest and I will send these on, too.

As you can tell, we are pretty excited about presenting this group of amazing Christian Haitian educators and their efforts to enable some of the next generation of Haitians through education.  And, we are hoping that perhaps we can peak your interest in helping with this process.

How can YOU be involved?

Pray for G.A.S. and its chairman, Wilnor St. Louis, and the rest of the coordination committee as they dream and plan!  They are very dependent upon the leadership of the Lord in this endeavor.

Pray for the 15 children who were sponsored this past year, G.A.S.'s first.  Pray that they will know the joy of being a child of God.  Pray that they will do their best in school and will know the joy of learning.

Sponsor a child!  1 full year of school tuition is $50 - $75, according to the grade level of the child.  This year, an opportunity to also provide uniform, school books and materials for each student is an additional $50.  ( Sponsorship is appreciated with or without the uniform!)

Contact us at for more details, your questions and to participate!

 Larry and Marty Grimes


1 comment:

  1. Marty, is it time for me to renew my sponsorships, or when does that occur?
