Saturday, June 30, 2012

Counting the days ...

Well, we have been in Haiti for 22 weeks and two days and will return to the states in less than two weeks, on July 12.  WOW!  In so many ways, the time has flown; now, as we are filled with the anticipation of heading home, I have a feeling the time will move at a snail’s pace!

It’s just the right time for a break -

Things are slowly but surely powering down for summer here on the compound.  Two of the missionary families are away on home missions already.   Another three families are taking off when we do, leaving just one family to hold down the fort through July.  Work on the guest house and the hospital has slowed to a fraction of the activity of even last month.  There are no visiting mission teams scheduled in July.

It’s as if the intense heat has blanketed the calendar and nothing is moving!

 The next two weeks will be chock full of cleaning, organizing and storing our teaching equipment and materials; packing up and storing personal items;  deciding what stays and what goes with us when we head home.  Larry is preparing his class computers to be used by a team teaching computers to youths on the mainland.  We will be working with the last of the mission teams for a while.  We also hope to get a day trip or two in for some last minute exploring.

And, then, six weeks or so in the Carolinas!  Whoohoo!  Making the kid circuit in NC and then heading to Clemson and Georgia.  It will be so very good to see the family and friends we have missed!  A week at the beach with the kids and their kids, this year being the 32nd annual family vacation at the Isle of Palms.  Worshipping at Sunday services at ALIVE Wesleyan, at long last!  Rest and recuperation!

Looking forward to it!

The work is not done here, tho – and we will be heading back the end of August, to begin classes anew in September – privileged to be giving these amazing Haitian adults a hand up, not a hand out - hopefully equipping them with tools to improve their lives and their country - in the name of Christ.  

Lord willing!


  1. First of all, I have no idea how to remove the "MOM" tag from my Google account, so every time I post, it uses it. Gotta get Matthew Tietje to help me with that.

    We're excited here as well, Marty! We continue to pray for you each day as you go through your preparations for leaving Haiti for a few weeks.

    I'm in the final countdown for District Conference prep here. Rather consuming, I must say; but things are progressing well at this point. Some of the Wed. night study group will be helping prepare packets on the 9th. Such willing hearts they have!

    See you soon, Lord willing, my friend.


    1. Thanks, Joan - always glad to get your comments after a blog post is out there! Have actually been thinking that it is about packet packing time once again! Hope it goes very smoothly - can't imagine that it wouldn't, you are so organized! See you soon!
