Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ALIVE in Haiti!

Sharing our world with our friends from ALIVE Wesleyan last week was just wonderful!  It was like having a little bit of home with us 
- and what a gift that is, when home is so very far away!

  The spirit of the team was super - and believe me, they did some stout work at the Children's Village!  Check for pictures from there.

The shots I have posted below are of the times Larry and I were able to share with them here on the compound.  Check it out!

The pastor's wife, demonstrating that she and son Thomas share common genes of adventure - and surprise!

All work and no  play is NOT the name of the game!  On Sunday afternoon, after the 2-hour Haitian worship service,  then the missionary church service, all but Josh (who was sleeping off a Haitian bug ) boarded the Wesleyanna for a couple of hours of swimming and snorkeling the reef off La Gonave.  Gazing on flounders, lion fish, starfish, sand dollars, and beautiful purple-and-yellow, black-and-white-striped, bright yellow, neon blue fish promotes praise for and wonder at our Lord's creativity!
A great time was had by all!  

And, earlier in the week ......

The team joined Marty's advanced English classes at a "Talking Night" where a good time was had by all!  The Haitians were delighted to have the occasion to listen to and to talk to English-speaking Americans.  All participants were able to share information about themselves and then specific questions were addressed about the two countries, etc.  One memorable event:  when the discussion among the Haitians turned to politics with one Haitian eloquently announcing his candidacy against the mayor, who sat across from him, Madam Larry sprang to her feet to intervene - and redirect the conversation to less inflammatory discussions!  It was a great evening and a good introduction to a different part of the Haitian populace, men who so desire to make a difference in and advance their beloved country.

The team also visited Larry's computer lab, were introduced to the men and the program, and enjoyed visiting with Haitians working on various computer projects.

Larry and Matt tackled a couple cyberspace issues!  I think Larry was encouraged that even the computer guru was stumped by a couple of them!  But, Larry gleaned much from Matt and much was gained from the time spent with him in front of the monitor.

Josh Mullinax, Brian Leising and Matthew Tietje transformed potential into reality - and we now have a garden!   That afternoon, I planted marigolds, sugar peas, some wildflowers, cherry tomatoes!  Hopefully, I will one day be able to show you the fruits of our labors!

The kids from Madam Soliette's orphanage enjoyed a visit to the compound where they had much fun with chalk drawings on the walls, much ball playing, kite flying and parachute waving - or simply visiting in ways that transcended our different languages.
A team of girls from Indiana Wesleyan University joined in the activities.

Sunday provided the opportunity to experience a Haitian worship service at The Wesleyan Church of Anse-a-Galets.  The team accepted the invitation to come up front and be introduced to about 400 attendees, and brought greetings from SC and from their brothers and sisters at ALIVE Wesleyan.

It was a good visit, which also included walks through town, enjoying beans and rice, Haitian-style, getting a run in before the sun was good and up, visits to the hospital to pray with the patients and families, tours of the compound and town and hospital, hurry-up-and-wait games of Euchre, a visit to a local resto patterned after Starbucks,  homemade ice cream and fellowship on the back porch, and experiencing God's Holy Spirit doing  ministry among His people!!  Youth Pastor Matt Irvine and Matt Heerschap and Rachel Harding also participated with Haitian youth leaders in a retreat sharing commonalities and challenges, building relationships that hopefully will span the distance between our countries.

And, as we waved goodbye, it was with a lump in our throats.
Our little bit of home was heading back home.  

But most of them left with Haiti sand in their sandals - so ...
they'll be back!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what fun just reading about the team's time there with you. Will probably see one or two this evening. I know their heads and hearts are full.

    You and Larry remain in my thoughts and prayers daily.


    PS I don't know how to get rid of my "MOM" Google sign-in!!!
