Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The last leg of the trip to La Gonave

Well, we are now officially members of the community here at the Wesleyan mission in Anse-a-
Galet, La Gonave, Haiti!   Praise the Lord!

Last Thursday, we flew into Port-au-Prince, prayed our way through customs (being aware that many prayers were being said for that very event and feeling very humble and fortunate because of them!), having to open only two crates while the customs official smiled big at Larry’s attempt at Creole!   We were met by Merline, the office manager at the mission and driver Judain who took us shopping to purchase our month’s worth of supplies while Merline bought for the guest house and two other families.  

We also purchased the water cooler and two “galons” our children had gifted us with!  Cool, clean water, at our fingertips!  A gift and a treasure!

Seven hours later ( a commentary on the traffic and other meanderings which are a natural part of this culture!  We are learning to S L O W  D O W N and remember this culture is based on relationships, not driven by the hands on the clock – as we are in the states) we arrived at the lovely guest house which Carl and Maya Gilles operate in Port-au-Prince.   A delicious meal of beans and rice with vegetable sauce awaited us – and a good bed.

The following morning, we made our way to the Wesleyan wharf outside PAP and to The Wesleyanna, the mission sailboat, our mode of transport that day from the mainland across the nine miles of channel  to La Gonave. 


After that two-hour adventure , we slipped beside the Wesleyan wharf where we were met by lots of muscle to help unload our LOADED boat!

And,the rest, as they say, is history!  We have been getting settled in and finding our place in the rhythm of the mission station here. 

The year has begun!


  1. So nice to read. Happy Anniversary! :)

  2. Thanks, Lisa! It's fun to think of your keeping up with us!
    And, Happy Birthday to Wesley!! ....and thoughts and prayers for his mom!
    Love you!

  3. Oh, my! I simply love reading every word! You both are in my thoughts and prayers throughout the day.

    I am praying that your days of getting settled in are going even more smoothly than you could have imagined.

